Social Prescribing

Your doctor isn't the only person who can help you feel better. You can improve your health and wellbeing through social prescribing.

Hi, I’m Sarah and together, we can explore what help you need, by  discussing ‘what matters to you’ and identify activities/ and or local 
support. You can consider the  benefits of participating in them, and I will assist you to plan your next steps. 

Social prescribing looks at all your needs from the different areas of your life and supports you to take more control of your health and well being. 
We can meet in person, or have telephone contact and I can work with you for as long you require.

I look forward to working with you.  

How do I access the service?

It's simple. You can talk to your GP, health care professional or ask at reception for an appointment with the Social Prescriber.

Alternatively you can self refer by filling out the form and hand it to reception or contact us online.

Did you know?

Around 1 in 5 people who see their GP have problems that medical intervention can't fully treat. Social Prescribing can help tackle the root cause of many health and well being issues.


Published: Jul 8, 2024